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Introducing the COVID-19 Project Management Response Team

Image by <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/dimitriwittmann-2770365/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=1463427">Dimitri Wittmann</a> from <a href="https://pixabay.com/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=1463427">Pixabay</a>

2020 is probably going to be a year that many of us will never forget. Much like 9/11, both of the World Wars, and the peak of the Civil Rights movement, our lives are being altered dramatically and the result will likely be permanent change. While there is plenty about COVID-19 that can be scary, anxiety-provoking, and…well…boring (for those of you stuck inside by yourselves), there are some diamonds that are showing up among the rubble:

  • Work-from-home is being taken seriously (office execs will get a taste of what it is like to work remotely and appreciate how difficult it may be for their teams).
  • People are being more intentional about spending quality screen time interacting with co-workers, family, and friends.
  • Those who are able are supporting local businesses that are getting crushed by the effects of COVID-19.
  • Most importantly, many of us are thinking about the people around us more than ourselves. We are staying home, because we know we will probably be fine if we get sick, but we know that the vulnerable folks around us won’t be so lucky. There are also people showing up in droves to help.

I am lucky enough to be partnering with some of those amazing people who want to help out. Through the work that we do at TCG, we have developed a very wide network of project management partners. We asked the folks in that network if they would be willing to help, and within 24 hours, over 15 businesses have already stepped up to assist however they can. We are still organizing and developing a Program Management Plan to determine exactly what services we will provide and our processes for evaluating what projects we can take on. If you have some immediate needs that you would like help addressing, please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for help. If we aren’t able to support the effort, then we will try to direct you to a group that may be able to help.

Here is a sampling of services that we expect to provide, and we will continue to add to the service portfolio as we learn more about your current needs:

  • Project management
  • Research
  • Making calls
  • Conducting data collection/analysis
  • Helping manage the transition to work-from-home
  • Providing training and/or materials for those new to remote tools

If you’re interested in receiving assistance, please send us an email with some information about your organization and what your immediate needs are.

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